Enigma Sound Name of vault to create: If this copy has not been registered please support shareware and For a full DES version of this program including much larger vaults Thanks to the following, without whom Enigma would not be the success it is: Dr. William MacGregor for most excellent optimization advice; Gabriel Schuyler & JayKW for very cool icons; Beta Testers: Jerry Goldstein, Gabriel Schuyler, and Neil Van Ess. This is a registered copy of Enigma and can not be exported outside of the US and Canada. Thanks to the following, without whom Enigma would not be the success it is: Dr. William MacGregor for most excellent optimization advice; Gabriel Schuyler & JayKW for very cool icons; Beta Testers: Jerry Goldstein, Gabriel Schuyler, and Neil Van Ess. This program is free and may be freely distributed subject to limitations described in the documentation. .??? vault Enigma Prefs